Hi! My Name is Michelle; most call me Shell. I have always wanted to help others be the best they can, in any way I can. The success in my career and leadership journey is build upon SO many others that have helped coach and mentor me; I only hope to pay that forward. Join me! I would love to chat oils, wellness, leadership, mom-hacks, and the smalls joys of life!
I can't imagine my life without doTERRA essential oils-sounds cheesy, I know- but seriously. From the drops of citrisy-lemon water in the morning to the deep blue lotion before I go to bed, I use doTERRA essential oils throughout the day. Explore all the ways to use essential oils in your home. From skin care to laundry, doTERRA essential oils can replace an array of toxic chemicals and cleaners that we use on a daily basis. Click the link below to visit the website and learn more!