Spring is springing so let's take a second to revisit our resolutions. Frankly there is no reason why we cannot 're-launch' a promise to ourselves. Getting sidetracked can be just a bump in the road of life. Maybe it is, as I titled this article 'The Perils of Procrastination'. Or is it just failure to overcome fear that has slowed down our progress? Either way it’s Spring so let's go!
Procrastination is one of the most popular forms of self-sabotage because it is easy. Acknowledge that key and we revitalize our chances for renewed success.
If there is something you really want, you may be lying to yourself if you're not going for it. Success will not find you; you have to take a calculated risk to fulfill the dream. Procrastination is our enemy and fear is its partner!
Ask yourself these questions-
Figuring out where you stop, pinpointing the failure point is a key to resetting our goal and strategy.
If you are serious about changing your life, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse! Face down fear and procrastination will run like a coward, it's up to us!
Think about these tips-