Mike Drak is a thirty-eight-year veteran of the financial services industry and lives with his wife, Melina (also known affectionately as "The Contessa"), in Toronto.
He started his own Victory Lap in 2014 and is currently working with his wife an investment advisor helping her clients deign their own fulfilling retirement lifestyles.
Mike is a best-selling author, award winning blogger, public speaker and retirement lifestyle designer. His retirement blog articles can be found at boomingencore.com.
His best seller "Victory Lap Retirement" was based on the realization that traditional full stop retirement doesn't work for most people anymore due to increasing longevity. The book presents a new life model better suited to today's reality.
His follow up book "Retirement Heaven or Hell" which was released Jan/2021 shows people how to design and transition to their own unique retirement lifestyle. This book also outlines the valuable retirement lessons learned from the pandemic and introduces the nine retirement principles for a long, healthy fulfilling life.