"Live Long and Prosper"
Being that time is our most precious resource, why then have we indulged in the paradox of procrastination?
Now firmly ensconced in my 'MiddleLiving' years I have decided this fact; that my impermanence is firmly in front of me.
So be it!
The time has come for me to fully embrace all of my regrets and use them as a resource. To utilize any remorse over past negative behaviors and habits and turn them into a resource for growth.
I am embracing my own mortality, and I hope everyone makes a decision to embrace theirs as well.
Much of our lives can be spent thinking that family history is our destiny, it is not. My grandmother had Type 1 Diabetes. That fact does not preclude my impending Type 2.
Lifestyle tweaks can in fact change or prevent illness, do this and you embrace your mortality.
Life is about potential and probabilities, not promises and hereditary demise. Lengthening our telomeres, (little caps) on the tips of our DNA and learning about the science of Epigenetics are two exciting topics to understand and read about.
Both of these can have an effect on our mortality.
Essentially, the shorter your telomeres, the shorter your potential long life. It is that simple! Recent studies have linked telomere length to an array of age-related conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, and Alzheimer's.
Epigenetics, like the director of our life's script, is the study of how we can control the caps (telomeres) growth (good) or shortening (bad).
Both of these items are interrelated and controllable.
If we think of our life as a long journey, (mortality), then as the science is telling us don't procrastinate self-improvement, give yourself better odds (tweak your lifestyle) and "live long and prosper".
Try these-